Friday, April 12, 2019

Theatre Bristol Call Out Notice

                                                 NEW WAVE AGEING    

I am a Bristol-based performer, teacher and gerontologist. I’ve grown up and grown older witnessing ‘new waves’, or  radical innovation, particularly in film and music.   I’d like to apply this spirit to the way we realise ageing via the performing arts, for now and the future.

Image; Ka-rel Headley

So this is a call-out to individuals and organizations working in our sector  to consider:-

·        How we explore and perform cultural diversity in later life.

·        How we  challenge traditional stereotypes  and the ageism they generate in society.  A current concern for Public Health and Equalities organizations.

·        How we might accommodate  marginal or countercultural expressions of  autonomy in later life. 

·        How you’d imagine   your own future might unfold, accounting for rapid social and technological change.

I am keen to make contact with theatre makers, whether you are an actor, dancer, writer or director and any other interested groups and individuals to:-

·        Establish the community and funding resources required to  develop new or existing work that captures the cultural diversity of later life in today’s society.

·        Identify the kind  of expertise we need, from  the arts and humanities, the social sciences, experts by experience and the community at large, to better  understand the political and cultural conditions and constraints that impact on later life.

I’d like to organize some informal meet-ups and work-in-progress events soonest.  I can be contacted on:

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